Stand Up & Shout (words & music by Roy Evan Burstiner)
Stand up and shout, pump your fist
Turn to the danger and risk
Give ‘em the hell that they need
For all the things you believe
Get all the people to fight
for all the freedom and rights
Turn all the heads till they see
Freedom for all, you and me
Stand up, stand up,
Stand up and shout
Pump your fist for everyone’s rights
Stand up and shout
My grandparents sailed to this country
For their right to be free
With open arms they were welcomed
Thats the way it should be
Some Other people live elsewhere
Hoping for a better way it seams
Will we close all of our borders
Thats not the American dream
Stand up, stand up,
Stand up and shout
Pump your fist for everyone’s rights
Stand up and shout
Immigrants made up our country
for everyone a better day
coming here to raise all their children
no one will ever be turned away
But today we will stand
for everyone’s right to this land
pump your fist for the rights
Everyone stand up and fight
Stand up, stand up,
Stand up and shout
Pump your fist for everyone’s rights
Stand up and shout